The marketing of online educational programs reached a frenzy in 2013 with schools competing for enrollments. However, just because a certificate or degree program is online does not make it relevant. Students should understand how to evaluate ultrasound technician schools online to ensure the degree or certificate earned in Diagnostic Medical Sonography represents the level of training needed to obtain the best jobs. Here are seven considerations to keep in mind when evaluating ultrasound technician schools and their online offerings: Marketing Coordinator
1. Is the program accredited by CAAHEP Marketing Coordinator
Accrediting organizations assess the quality of schools and programs, such as the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs. The accreditation of CAAHEP is important for two reasons. Students enrolled in CAAHEP accredited ultrasound technology programs are prepared to take the credentialing exams offered by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS). Secondly, many employers will only consider job candidates with CAAHEP accreditation and ARDMS registration. The accreditation status indicates students have received the training needed to meet the requirements of ultrasound technicians once employed. Marketing Coordinator
2.Here is the second point. Are advising, academic assistance, and tools available at the online school Marketing Coordinator
On the Internet, good Diagnostic Medical Sonography schools offer student advising, academic assistance, and networking opportunities with other program attendees. Even though the classes are offered online, students should have access to faculty just like students enrolled in on-campus programs. Those studying online sonography will only hold discussions through webcams, e-mail, chat sessions, or other software tools. Software packages are required for each online program, and those packages should have features that enhance the educational experience. Online sonography students should review the technology requirements carefully and confirm that the software program offers an enhanced online experience. Marketing Coordinator
3.Do the school’s prerequisites appear to be clearly outlined?
A quality online sonography school should clearly state its prerequisites. According to Washburn University, program applicants must have completed certain college-level courses, such as statistics, algebra or some other higher mathematics course; physics or radiographic physics; communications skills; and human anatomy and physiology. Schools have different requirements. Marketing Coordinator
4.Is clinical training and course work required by the school?
Online diagnostic medical sonography schools require students to complete course work and clinical training. CAAHEP-accredited sonography programs provide students with the assurance that both program components are included in the program and that they are being prepared to sit for ARDMS exams.ams. There should be no misunderstandings regarding clinical education options in a good online sonography program.
Students are required to complete their clinical training at one of three clinical affiliates listed by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. As the student’s first preference for clinical placement, Washburn University’s Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Coordinator will contact five facilities. JCCC will also assist students in finding a clinical facility that meets their needs.
5.Has the selection process for students been explained clearly?
Students should be made aware of the selection process. There is a high demand for CAAHEP-accredited sonography programs offered online. It is imperative that good sonography schools are honest about their selection process and the minimum requirements for admission. The students are better equipped to plan their ultrasound education so that they can develop their careers. Many schools are untrustworthy when it comes to recruiting students. They may not be accredited and may accept most applications since they don’t care about quality
6.Is there financial aid and scholarship assistance available at the online school?
The same as campus schools, reputable online schools offer financial aid and scholarships. Before they can receive government financial aid, schools must meet minimum financial responsibility and administrative capability standards. It would be wise to thoroughly investigate a school offering a sonography program online but not approved to participate in federal financial assistance programs for students. The same applies to students not in need of financial assistance. Financial aid is provided to all CAAHEP accredited programs.
7.Do students have access to statistics about the quality of the program Marketing Coordinator
In order to assess a school’s ultrasound technician program, students should be provided with statistics. Statistics include the number of students accepted into the program each year, the graduation rates, the number of graduates employed, the passing rate for the ARDMS exams, the retention rate, and the default rate. Further, the school advisors or job placement counselors may be able to provide information about the job outlook in areas of interest to the student.
Students who need the convenience of completing coursework at home and may not be able to attend classes in person can greatly benefit from ultrasound technician schools online. An institution’s CAAHEP accreditation is one of the best indicators of how well it prepares its students for ARDMS registration and employment. A bright future awaits sonographers. The Department of Labor predicts a 44 percent growth in positions between 2010 and 2020, which is higher than all other occupations. Some people are pursuing career goals through distance education, which allows them to complete coursework at their own pace.
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