A Guide to Social Media Best Practices for 2022

A Guide to Social Media Best Practices for 2022

There is no doubt that social media is one of the most dynamic branches of digital marketing today. As a result of new features being added, algorithms constantly evolving, and social platforms growing or declining in popularity, the social landscape is changing almost in an instant. Consequently, keeping up with the latest social media best practices is essential for every social media manager today who wants to thrive in social marketing. With so many changes around, constantly overseeing social media best practices isn’t easy. In order to boost your performance in 2022, we’ve compiled the most important social media best practices that any marketer interested in social media should know.

Content should be diversified

Think of your social media accounts as a playground. Imagine your content as a toy box. Isn’t it true that you’d get bored way faster if you only had one or two toys rather than many? That’s pretty obvious, I think. Likewise, your social media posts should reflect the same. Have you noticed that carousel posts perform very well on Instagram? You should incorporate them more into your Instagram marketing strategy as soon as possible.

Each social network should have its own content strategy

Optimizing your content for each channel is a social media best practices that should be applied. The audience on each social media platform is different, so posting the same message on all your accounts isn’t the best idea if you want to boost your account’s performance. They will see these copy-pasted posts as a sign of laziness if they subscribe to your profile on every channel. Your authenticity and trustworthiness may be questioned. Additionally, every platform favors a certain type of content. Facebook, for example, seems to prefer videos and Instagram carousels these days. Instead of giving every platform the same content, why not offer tailored content to get rewarded with engagement

A social media audit should be conducted

Social media audits involve analyzing all your social media accounts and using cross-channel data to improve your overall social strategy and understand your results better. It’s great if you’ve done an Instagram audit, a LinkedIn audit, or any analysis of your other social media accounts. Add data from the other social media platforms you use and the results you gained with your current strategy to your report.

Data tracking on engagement

 We know that engagement is the most monitored and most relevant KPI on social media, whether it’s on TikTok, Instagram, or any other platform. We can’t discuss best practices for social media marketing without mentioning the importance of monitoring those social media metrics that can have a significant impact on your business. The number of comments, shares, and likes you receive on your social media posts indicates how valuable your content is to your followers. Keeping track of your audience’s engagement will help you determine what type of content they prefer.

Take a look at your hashtags

Next, we should mention the importance of analyzing your hashtags when discussing social media marketing best practices. On Instagram, hashtags have been and continue to be a hot topic related to social media marketing, especially how they can be used to boost reach. In the first place, testing can be used to determine the best placement – in the copy or in the comments, or the optimal number of hashtags. If you discover a successful formula for a specific brand, don’t assume you can simply replicate it for other accounts and expect the same results.

Take the time to research your influencers

In terms of social media best practices for businesses, influencer research holds a special place. Marketers should know that choosing an influencer is not just about looking at the influencer’s fanbase and choosing the one with the biggest following. As a result, working with them does not guarantee you will get the results you desire. A brand’s values and audience alignment with the influencers is the most relevant aspect when choosing an influencer to work with.






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